ERSR: Catalogue of knowledge and skills for sleep medicine
Dear Members of the National Sleep Societies,
We are pleased to inform you that the “Catalogue of knowledge and skills for sleep medicine” is available online as Early View article on the Journal of Sleep Research homepage.
The catalogue, compiled by the ESRS board and the ESRS Sleep Medicine Committee (SMC), is based on textbooks, standard of practice publications, systematic reviews and professional experience. This peer-reviewed publication intends to be a guide for professional curricula in future sleep medicine education and examination programmes. Advances in the field of sleep medicine will be considered by publishing regularly revised versions.
Click on the link below to read the article abstract or log on to to access the full text article through the ESRS members only website.Â
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Best regards
Philippe Peigneux             Pierre-Hervé Luppi
ESRS President               ESRS Secretary
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