Nordic Sleep Conference 2015

Kategoria: Ajankohtaista, Ei kategoriaa, Nostot, Unesta ja unihäiriöistä | Kirjoitettu perjantaina 20. helmikuunta 2015

Dear friends from the Nordics,


We hope to find you all very well. As time is proceeding quite fast, we would like to inform you again abut the progress in the preparations of the upcoming Nordic Sleep Conference. We have very good news regarding the program: We have 14 symposia settled, 6 courses will take place and 5 sponsored workshops are under planning – Many of you are involved with several tasks and we feel that the current program is very broad and exciting due to the broad range of ongoing research activities. Please review the webpage on where we continuously update the latest information. In addition, we have very positive respond from the industry – this will make the event even moreattractieve. We opted to lower the conference fee with several categories and we will be able to announce scientific and travel grants. Finally, registration is open and we have already a steady inflow of ergistrations to the courses and the conference. So, things are going well – thanks of course due to your support….


However, there are several more activities to be organized where we would kindly ask you to contribute:


  1. The Congress opening on Wednesday afternoon together the “Young Investigator Symposium” with your participation as National presidents and chairs. This symposium will focus on “our future in sleep research”.

Therefore, please identify within your National Sleep Society the “Best” or “most appropriate” recent successful PHD student (= we suggest a recent PHD student from the past 2 years since the Copenhagen meeting)” who will present your National Sleep Society. This decision may need a consensus in your society and we ask you to present the outcome with a final name by end of March.
During the symposium, we would ask each of you to give a short address from your national perspective to the Nordic Sleep Community and thereafter to introduce the “Early Career Researcher” from your country (max 2 minutes). Here comes the outline of the opening symposium (120 minutes):

Opening of the conference: Address from the local organizing committee (10 minutes)


Young Investigator Symposium
Our future – outstanding sleep research in the Nordic countries (110 minutes):

Chairs: National Sleep Society Presidents from DK, ES, FI, IS, NO, SE

  • Denmark: Name of young researcher (presentation of 15 minutes each)
  • Estonia: Name of young researcher
  • Finland: Name of young researcher
  • Iceland: Name of young researcher
  • Norway: Name of young researcher
  • Sweden: Name of young researcher


  1. Nordic Championship in Sleep Scoring : We may ask you to nominate your national Scorer team of 4-5 experts willing to start in the “competition”. Names can be presented on site at the conference, but be prepared!!! More details to be announced ….  J


  1. We would kindly ask you to announce the Nordic Sleep meeting ( to your members and to encourage submit of abstracts to the meeting. We have planned for two to three sessions for oral abstract presentations, so it will be an excellent opportunity to present ongoing research according to the long tradition of our Nordic meetings. We feel that it is very important that this encouragement  will come from you as the National president.
    In Sweden, we also advertised the meeting through our channels to respiratory, neurological, neurophysiological, pediatric and ENT societies. In particular, we informed our dentists about the conference.
    As we update our homepage tomorrow, we would appreciate an promoting activity from your side very soon.


Again, grateful for your help. Looking forward to see you in May


Ludger and Jan

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