Fund to support travel and living expenses for early career researchers within Europe

Kategoria: Ajankohtaista, Ei kategoriaa, Nostot, Unesta ja unihäiriöistä | Kirjoitettu tiistaina 11. marraskuunta 2014

Dear ESRS Members,

The ESRS Board has established a fund to support travel and living expenses for early career researchers within Europe. For 2015, a maximum of ten projects will be financed and the deadline for applications is 31 December 2014.
ESRS Network of Sleep Research Laboratories

General principles:
1. to promote travel of early career researchers in order to learn a specific technique or methodology in an experienced laboratory belonging to the ESRS Network of Sleep Research Laboratories (see ESRS website for list of Sleep Research Laboratories (;
2. training can be undertaken in any aspect of sleep research;
3. support will be provided to travel from the home laboratory to any laboratory of the network; the most economical mode of travel should be chosen;
4. a maximum contribution of 1,400 EUR for accommodation and living expenses (no more than 100 EUR/day) to finance the living-expenses will be provided. Visits would typically be up to two weeks, although the duration of the stay may exceed two weeks (up to the 1,400 EUR limit). The receiving laboratory is expected to finance the living-expenses during the stay, at least partially, if it exceeds the size of the ESRS contribution;
5. a maximum of ten grants per year will be financed;
6. the ESRS will support only trips within Europe and applicants should be an ESRS member;
7. eligible applicants are early career researchers:
– postdoctoral researchers or clinicians who obtained their PhD or MD less than ten years ago
– PhD or Master students
1. deadline: 31 December 2014;
2. the application (consisting of a short curriculum of the applicant’s age, affiliation, position, publication list and congress participation, project to be developed during the stay, letter of acceptance of receiving laboratory, certification of enrolment in a PhD/ Master programme, and dates of the visit) should be sent to the ESRS Secretary, to the attention of Maria Wiechmann at;
3. the ESRS Research Networking Committee will rank the grant applications;
4. a list of Sleep Research Laboratories in Europe to host early career researchers is available on the ESRS website (

With best regards,

Pierre-Hervé Luppi
Chair of the ESRS Research Networking Committee

Lino Nobili
ESRS Secretary

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