Pediatric sleep meeting November 12-15, 2015, Florida.

Kategoria: Ajankohtaista, Ei kategoriaa, Nostot, Unesta ja unihäiriöistä | Kirjoitettu keskiviikkona 18. maaliskuunta 2015

2015 Call for Invited SymposiumDeadline for Submission
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
The 2015 Pediatric Sleep Medicine conference program will include two submitted symposia.  Symposia may be clinically focused or research based, and a combination of both is encouraged. Each symposium will be allotted a one-hour and 15-minute time slot.The symposia’s will take place on Sunday, November 15h from 8:30 to 9:45 am and 10:30 to 11:45 am.
The number of speakers is limited to 3, including the chairperson. A fourth person may be added if the chair intends only to provide a brief introduction. The symposium should allow 20-25 minutes for each presentation including time for questions. The submission should be structured as follows:


1. Overall title for the symposium and subtitles for each talk
2. Full names and institution affiliation of the chair person and co-presenters

3. Learning objectives (provide 2-3 learning objectives)
4. Scientific and/or clinical content to be presented (500 word maximum), including how the talks will be integrated, the specific contributions of each speaker, and how the content will advance clinical care, research, or both.


We are particularly interested in symposia that would focus on the following topics:


1.   Sleep in children with developmental, medical, and/or neurological issues

2.   Interventions for pediatric sleep problems

3.   Media and sleep

4.   Restless Legs Syndrome in children



Submissions for the symposia and faculty disclosure form should be submitted via email as a Microsoft Word or .pdf attachment with a subject title “Pediatric Sleep Symposium”to both:


Oliviero Bruni, MD


Penny Corkum, PhD



The symposium deadline for the upcoming 8th annual Pediatric Sleep Medicine meeting is April 1st (see below).  The meeting will be held November 12-15, 2015 at the Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort in Amelia Island, Florida.

The conference is comprised of (1) Pediatric PSG courses (Nov 12th),

(2) Best Practices in Pediatric Sleep Medicine course (Nov 13th), and

(3) the bi-annual meeting Pediatric Sleep Medicine 2015: Advances in Pediatric Sleep Medicine in Research, Patient Care, Policy, and Education (Nov 14-15th). Attendees include pediatric sleep medicine specialists from around the globe: multi-disciplinary researchers, clinicians, educators, and policy makers involved in pediatric sleep and pediatric sleep medicine.

The copy brochure is attached and complete meeting information is available at:

Thank you.

Jodi Mindell, PhD and Judy Owens, MD

Conference co-chairs

Lisa Meltzer, PhD and Carol Rosen, MD

Incoming conference co-chairs

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