ResMed Nordics Sleep Research Grant 2013
The ResMed Nordic Sleep Research Grant is intended for a sleep researcher, or a group of researchers, in the Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia). The goal of the Grant is to stimulate ongoing research in the sleep area which can lead to significant improvements of the treatment of patients with sleep-disordered breathing or new insights which can significantly change the treatment of patients with sleep-disordered breathing.
The application is to be submitted to:
The last application date is: June 20, 2013
The grant recipient has the possibility to present the study at the ResMed Nordic Sleep Expert Meeting in Barcelona (at ERS), September 10, 2013.
The amount of the grant is 10.000 Euros, and the committee reserves the right to split the grant between several applicants if deemed necessary.
The application should include an A4 page (maximum), covering the following points:
Applicant(s): name(s) and title(s), Hospital and clinic, Brief description of the study including purpose, timeline and set up, Motivation for receiving the grant, Contact info (telephone and email, address).
Grant committee members are:
Dr Olli Polo, Finland
Dr Sigurd Aarrestad, Norway
Dr Soren Berg, Denmark
Dr Jan Hedner ,Sweden
Dr Thorarinn GÃslason,Iceland
Dr Holger Woehrle ResMed
We look forward to seeing your grant application!
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