The 3rd Alpine Sleep Summer School in Lugano, Switzerland. 29.06.-03.07.2015
Kuinka tilata lääkkeitä verkossa edullisin hinnoin? Eräs äskettäin tutkimus osoitti, että impotenssi vaikuttaa 140 miljoonaan mieheen koko maailmassa. Jos aiot tilata Viagra, luultavasti haluaisit lukea lisää “miten Viagra tyota“. Nykyään on erilaisia vaihtoehtoja niille, jotka kärsivät erektiohäiriöstä. Tiedätkö mitä Viagra … Lue loppuun
Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN)
Dear national sleep society president. The ESRS has approved the establishment of an Early Career Researcher Network (ECRN). The network is open for all ESRS MSc and PhD students as well as postdoctoral researchers or clinicians who obtained their PhD or … Lue loppuun
Pediatric sleep meeting November 12-15, 2015, Florida.
2015 Call for Invited SymposiumDeadline for Submission Wednesday, April 1, 2015 The 2015 Pediatric Sleep Medicine conference program will include two submitted symposia. Symposia may be clinically focused or research based, and a combination of both is encouraged. Each symposium will … Lue loppuun
Nordic Sleep Conference 2015
Dear friends from the Nordics, We hope to find you all very well. As time is proceeding quite fast, we would like to inform you again abut the progress in the preparations of the upcoming Nordic Sleep Conference. We … Lue loppuun